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May 20, 2011
MINUTES – MAY 20, 2011

PRESENT: Terry Thompson, Gaile Rollins, Carl Laport, Louise Dix

Gaile reported to the committee she was looking into switching to another trash hauler to try to save some money. She just received a bill for 123.90 from Waste Management for picking up only partial barrels of trash from the building. She is talking to Central Mass Disposal who is willin to work a deal on the rate. Terry also recommended Kristoff’s who is also willing to work on the rates. Gaile is going to contact the different companies to find the best rate for the building. Waster Management is the most expensive of the three at this time.

Jeff Satnick is bringing his family back from Florida and wants to rent space in the building again. There is one space available which the committee says it will rent to him for $100.00 during the summer and $200.00 during the winter. He is also responsible for the liability insurance.

There is still the ongoing problem with one person in the building turning on the heat and warming up the entire wing of the building.

Patsy owes rent for April and May. There are rent and storage fees involved. She will be informed they must be paid by June 10. The fiscal year is ending and everything must be closed. Nothing should be outstanding!

At the moment the expenses are far outweighing the income of the building.

Patsy reported that people are knocking on her door to get into the building to use the bathrooms when ball games are in progress. She is going to be told not to open the doors.

The next meeting will be held on June 17th.